lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


Taiga:  Esta ubicado en Canadá y en Estados Unidos. Es un bioma caracterizado por sus formaciones boscosas de confieras , siendo la mayor masa forestal del planeta.
 Su temperatura media es de 19 °C en verano, y -30 °C en invierno. El promedio anual de precipitaciones alcanza los 450 mm. El periodo favorable para la vida de las plantas se reduce a cuatro meses. La vegetación dominante en la taiga es el bosque de coníferas. En las zonas de clima más duro el bosque es muy uniforme y puede estar formado exclusivamente por una sola clase de árbol. Las hojas en forma de aguja de las coníferas les permiten soportar bien las heladas y perder poco agua.
              Clima y suelo: El clima es extremadamente frío y húmedo. La temperatura media está por debajo de 0 hasta 5 °C. Los inviernos son más cortos y fríos, pero, a menudo más rigurosos que en la tundra y el suelo está cubierto de nieve
              Fauna: La vida es muy dura para los animales en invierno, por lo que las aves suelen emigrar a latitudes más cálidas, mientras que muchos de los otros animales hibernan. Los animales más característicos de la taiga son los herbívoros como el alce y reno/caribú, roedores como el castor, ardilla, liebre, y carnívoros el oso, lobo y glotón
              Flora: La taiga del sur es un bosque mixto que alterna las coníferas con árboles caducifolios como el arce, el olmo y el roble, tiene dosel cerrado, el suelo cubierto de musgos y en los claros encontramos arbustos, flores y hierbas.

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

The bad example of a mother - short story

 We read a short story in class and the task was that we had to prepare our own short story based on "The Son's Veto" 

The bad example of a mother
It was the Chrismas night. I was with all my family. I was talking with my mother when my father turned on a firework. He started to run but the firework exploded before time. So my father who was called Alejandro died. Viky, my mother, was a beautiful woman, she was 30 years old. She didn’t speak very well  so I didn’t love her very much. I corrected my mother all the time. Viky was a drug dealer. And I said to Viky  to stop doing that because the police was going to cath her.

One day Viky didn’t arrive at the house so I started to be scared because my mother came quickly every day. I started to call her lots of times but my mother didn’t have the phone. I thought that the car was broken. But it was not that. Ring, ring, ring. Somebody was calling me. It was the police. They had my mother because of her business and because she was stealing cars on the street.

 I was in my house alone month after month. One day I was walking in the street and a group of people caught me. They took me to a very dark place. They told me “If you don’t tell us what we need you are going to die. Where is your mother? She has to give a lot of money to us”. I didn’t say anything. In the night I was alone in the dark room so I went out and started to run to my house. When I was running to my house, a girl called me. She was my girlfriend called Martina. She told me to enter to her house. I was very happy because my girlfriend invited me to her house but very sad because some people were locking my mother. We were eating some food when somebody phoned me. It was Viky telling me that  she was out of prison and now was at home. I, very angrily, went home. When I was inside, I told Vicky some people caught me because of her. “They told me that you have to give a lot of money. If you don’t give the money, they are going to kill us”. Well I am going to leave the house because I have a stupid mother and she is a drugs dealer. I am going to my girlfrind´s house.

 A month later the police found me because my mother continued selling drugs so she was in prision but the most important reason why they called was that my mother died because she took drugs.